I've decided to add this little segment because while I love all Pokemon, some deserve special recognition. Be it for their awesome physical power, lightning speed, or ability to perform staggering mental feats, there are SuperMon out there.
That being said, let me introduce the Pokemon special enough to be the first one presented: Dragonite, the Dragon Pokemon.
I could literally go on for hours about this bubbly draconic friend, seeing as how *spoiler alert* it's my favorite Pokemon (which is why it gets to go first!). But, seeing as how I need to justify this accolade, I'll get to specifics.
Now, stat wise, Dragonite is up there amongst the hardest-hitters the game has to offer. Along with this, though it has something that other damage dealers do not: a truly kind heart. Its newest Pokedex entry states that it flies across the vast oceans of the world in order to rescue drowning people. Now THAT is heart, baby.
And that's the reason it gets to be Pokemon of the Minute: its perfect balance of raw power and kindness. This is also why it's my favorite out of its hundreds of peers. That, and during a battle I managed to one-shot kill an Arceus with a Dragonite, so I think that's a sign that we have a connection. (God Pokemon my ass...)
And yes, that is a picture of me riding a Dragonite, thanks for asking. It really happened, you know. Some day I'll show you guys the slides.
-The Professor
To be fair, my Arceus blows.