Hello, readers! I apologize for my absence of late, but I've been doing some intense research about the new region in order to deliver some top-notch reporting. And what news I've uncovered!
First of all, new Pokemon have been released via CoroCoro, but that will be the subject of a later article. What I wish to report on now is maybe the most important thing yet released about the new Generation. For the first time in the history of the Pokemon world, we have a female Professor!
Called Dr. Araragi in Japanese, she will be joining the ranks of the researchers who send off new trainers on their adventures. Notes on her personality and laboratory location are forthcoming, but here's hoping that she'll be just as animated as the other Profs.
Because animated or not, the fact that she is assigned to this new region is a big step for the World. The Professors are among the most important characters in all the games, and prior to this generation they've been eccentric (Oak), klutzy (Elm), dashing (Birch), and stern (Rowan), but they've also all been men. Now this is in the context of the games, as in the anime, we've had one single female researcher, Professor Ivy of the Orange Islands. She was actually a great character, very intelligent and free-spirited. But as the anime progressed, she became less and less important, being reduced to a joke to make Brock freak out (we never did learn what happened with the two of them...). With this new woman, players have the opportunity to interact with her, get their starter from her, and have a strong female play a major role in their adventure for the first time. It shows that the Pokemon world not only produces amazing creatures, but amazing people, with scholarly knowledge not confined to one gender.
I for one am excited to have her join our ranks! What do you think?
-The Professor
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